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Writer's pictureKirsty Knowles

The Importance of Sustaining People for Growth

Kirsty Knowles explores how and why we need to enable the sustainability of human ‘Beings’ for personal, professional, and shared growth, championing Human Sustainability as key for sustainable development.

Empowered Sense of Agency

People need to feel empowerment in all areas of their life – with a sense of authentic autonomy.

If rooted in confidence, individuals and teams can co-create. We co-exist well in relationships if equity is upheld – we need to feel appreciated, heard and included with diversity of thought shared. In families, communities, organisations and businesses, I encourage “…a shift from a ‘power over’ hierarchical mindset to a ‘power to’ mindset” (Inam, 2020). I advocate for us to detach from the concept of leaders as the expert and reimagine them as energisers of teams and facilitators of growth agility for collaboration. 

Exploration of how to be ‘Learn-it-all-Leaders’ reveals that with a focus on people, we can bring humanity to leadership and cultivate gardening cultures in work environments. People within businesses and externally linked communities can flourish alongside profit. As leaders and as team members, we can be part of something bigger than ourselves, collectively influencing sustainable development for a personal, professional, and socially responsible greener tomorrow.

Nurturing Connected Human Ecosystems

Growing ourselves, as individuals and as a team of teams will sustain our interdependent ecosystems, increasing human potential and capacity brings with it humility and a unified purpose. ‘Learn-it-all-Leaders’ remain curious, they lean into learning, and they are comfortable relying on others who have different expertise. Whereas ‘infantilisation’ disempowers. It brings to leadership limiting assumptions about others and their capability and imposes a sense of the leader believing they are superior. This type of behaviour can easily slip in without intent: “I know I am right about this; trust me.” Thinking traps can be created from ego, insecurities and vulnerability – these need to stay out of the way for personal and work-based progress.

Limiting assumptions shaped from pre-judgments can sabotage the forming of connections and the building of relationships but if they are acknowledged and defeated, or ideally avoided, rapport can be developed quickly – virtually as well as in person. Seeking and establishing connection from one human being to another is a strength towards sustaining others. From connecting, trust can be instilled, and natural ease rapidly fosters comradeship or collegiality.

Drawing on research, the pitfall of inaccurate perceptions and letting any judgement restrict the capacity for connection is that there could be a default to a threatened feeling of self-imposed comparative inadequacy, or overthinking, and misinterpretations can complicate dynamics. 

Clarifying and aligning people around a shared purpose provides an anchor for future challenges. Together, individuals and groups need to front up and check out anything that might hold back what is required to get done, and how this might play out to ensure flow. In the coaching I offer, I might lean into Rock’s SCARF model (2008) to provide a framework for exploring any potential triggers most likely to disturb an individual’s survival range of reactions. Where someone feels they are in relation to another influences their opinion of status (S); How certain we are about what the future holds for us (C); How much autonomy we deem to have over our own life (A); How relatable am I to others and vice versa (R); and how fair everything feels (F) are areas of sensitivity which hold potency and reveal how our own neurobiology can affect co-creation.

Human Sustainability

‘Human Sustainability’ embedded in due care for purpose and people illuminates the pathway forward, especially in times of uncertainty. ‘Human Sustainability’ inculcates resilience, and in times of change, being a sustainable person means that one has an anchor or mooring. As we move out of a highly intense pandemic period in history, we need to restore ourselves and I would want empathy and connectedness brought into any decision-making. 

Rethinking Leadership to Lead through a Different Lens

Since the early 21st century, Jos de Blok has advocated for teams to self-direct with autonomy. As a torchbearer he shone a light on employees being intrinsically motivated, visionary and enabled to excel when entrusted to fulfil their roles: “The power of people doing their job because they want to do it is palpable” (Bregman, 2021). The value of a collective unified by purpose, vision and ethos is far richer than one heroic captain of a ship and all that comes with commissioning individuals or a group of people. And it is more sustainable for the prosperity of the organisation.

For those who have experienced reward for ‘group think’ – agreeing with the majority without critical thinking or the full opportunity for inclusive input from every person – it might have involved witnessing that this can lead to increased passive participation for future potential gain or breed resentment. In conceptualising ‘Time to Think’, Kline (2002) dares us to think for ourselves and encourages the removal of “teenage periscopes” through which one’s own thinking can be fearfully abdicated.

People First

Reframing the role of leadership and enabling systemic change is vital for ‘Human Sustainability’. I would like to provide an impactful nudge for thinking from a positive and motivating perspective.

‘Human Sustainability’ for sustainable development engenders confident independence and interrelationships for everyone to thrive. A human sustainable culture is inclusive and embraces diverse thinking. It provides a brave space and safe framework for enquiry and contribution without interruption, disrespect, or fear of being judged.

As an accredited Coach, Thought Leader, and Consultant, I continue developing my ability and that of others to quickly dispel any sprouting of a preconceived notion for the honourableness of, and viability of humankind. 

Kirsty Knowles

Founder of Think Being®

Accredited Coach, Consultant & Author – Humanistic change for People, Leadership and Culture


Bregman, R. (2021). Humankind: A Hopeful History. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Inam, H. (2020).  Wired for Disruption: The Five Shifts in Agility to Lead in the Future of Work.  Kindle Direct Publishing.

Kline, N. (2002).  Time to Think. London: Cassell.

Rock, D. (2008).  David Rock’s Scarf Model: Using Neuroscience to Work Effectively with Others.  Available at:

Thaler, R. H and Sunstein, C. R. (2009).  Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness. London: Penguin.

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